man‎Nicolas Desforges-Picard‏‎
Born ‎ D'Athies, -sous-Laon, Ile-de-France

Married ‎± ABT. 1730 to:


manRobert Desforges-Picard Soldat C. Dalmaz Soldat C. Dalmaz‏



!Marriage: Source, Repertoire Des Actes De Bapteme, Mariages,SepultureEtDes
Recensements Du Quebec Ancien, Vol 32 (1750-1765).RobertDesforges-Picart,
soldier of the Regiment De La Reine, Compagnie De Dalmaz, (s:Oui),
from Athys, Diocese of Laon, was married to Marie Malboeuf, (r:C.P.),
(s:Non), on 6 Feb 1758. Listed were: Nicolas Desforges and Marie Lemoine,
father and mother of the groom; Jean Malboeuf-Beausoleil and Marie Simard,
father and mother of the bride; Denis Saillant; Jean-Louis Rotour;
Etienne Lessart and Jean Malboeuf, brother-in-law and brother of thebride.
M. Briand a accorde le certificat de liberte de mariage et M. DeMontcalm a
donne a l'epoux la permission de se marier. Rev. Vizien, pretre cure,
(r:C.P.), performed the ceremony.