![]() Born 1864 Quebec, Pq, Canada, died estimated EST. WFT, 1896-1955, approximately 91 years [2024wft.FTW] !BIRTH-SOURCE: Vital Records for the State of NH, at Concord, NH !COMMENT-CONFLICT: Watch for the spelling on this name as it might bespelled Phlibotte or Filibotte. !RESIDENCE: They were living in Biddeford, ME when son Joseph G. marriedin Berlin, NH. in 1918. Parish records at American-Canadian GenealogicalSociety, MAnchester, NH. Parish Book for Angle Gardien, Berlin, Coos Co., NH !MARRIAGE-SOURCE: Parish Records, American Canadian Genealogical Society, Manchester, NH. Biddeford, ME, Book 16A, Pg. 181. Married Feb 5, 1883 St. Joseph, Biddeford, Me (approximately 72 years married) to: ![]() Born 1865 Quebec, Pq, Canada, died estimated EST. WFT, 1921-1960, approximately 95 years, 1st marriage to: Joseph Fribotte, 2nd marriage to: Hubert Poirier [2024wft.FTW] !BIRTH-SOURCE: Vital Records for the State of NH, at Concord, NH Children: 1. ![]() Born estimated EST. WFT, 1884-1911 Berlin, Coos Co., Nh, died estimated EST. WFT, 1889-1990, approximately 79 years 2. ![]() Born estimated EST. WFT, 1878-1890 Berlin, Coos Co., Nh, died estimated EST. WFT, 1907-1981, approximately 91 years 3. ![]() Born estimated EST. WFT, 1884-1911 Berlin, Coos Co., Nh, died estimated EST. WFT, 1889-1990, approximately 79 years 5. ![]() Born estimated EST. WFT, 1883-1904 Berlin, Coos Co., Nh, died estimated EST. WFT, 1922-1991, approximately 87 years 6. ![]() Born ± ABT. 1885 Manchester, Nh, died estimated EST. WFT, 1923-1976, approximately 91 years 1 _FA1 2 PLAC See Note Page 2 SOUR S029425 3 DATA 4 TEXT Date of Import: Nov 9, 2003 [2024wft.FTW] Facts about this person: Christening August 03, 1885 St. Augustine, Manchester, NH 7. ![]() Born 1890 Berlin, Coos Co., Nh, died estimated EST. WFT, 1909-1981, approximately 91 years [2024wft.FTW] !CENSUS-RESIDENCE: George and family appears in the 1902 NH census andliving at 45 High Street, in Berlin, NH. 1920 Census, Vital Records in Waltham, MA. !BIRTH: At the time of the 1920 census, George was 30 years and wife Rose30 also. 1920 Census, Vital Records in Waltham, MA. 8. ![]() Born Jan 12, 1890 Berlin, Coos Co., Nh, died estimated EST. WFT, 1923-1981, approximately 91 years [2024wft.FTW] !BIRTH-SOURCE: Vital Records for the State of NH, at Concord, NH 9. ![]() Born Jun 13, 1893 Berlin, Coos Co., Nh, died May 27, 1959 Berlin, Coos Co., Nh, 65 years [2024wft.FTW] !BIRTH: From the records of Pauline Flibotte Lambert. !COMMENT: Worked for years at the Brown Co. in Berlin NH. Is now known as the James River Paper Co. He was called Paul or "Nap" by his friends at the plant, due to his habit of napping of the job. He was an alcoholic, and after he left the company, even though he was more often than not drunk, his former co-workers would often take him back to the plant to assist in locating underground piping, for which he reportedly had an amazing knack. He would pace in one direction, then the other, and mark the ground, and say, "Dig." He rarely missed. !MARRIAGE-SOURCE: Parish Record Book Collection, Property of American-Canadian Genealogical Society, Manchester, NH Book 4B N.H., p128 Coos Co., Berlin, NH !DEATH-SOURCE: From the records of daughter Pauline Flibotte Lambert. |