![]() Born Dec 17, 1656 Hampton, Rockingham Co., Nh, died Feb 22, 1697/1698 Haverhill, Ma, approximately 40 years [2024wft.FTW] !COMMENT: Jonathan and children were suprised by Indians in the fieldsnear home in Haverhill, Ma and taken prisoner. For full details see son Joseph/Jonathan. Lived in West Parish in Haverhill, MA near Hawk's Meadow Brook. There is some duspute as to wheter the wife of Jonathan is Angelque HOLKNE m.11 Jan. 1679 in Haverhill, or Sarah MOULTON m. Dec. 30, 1674 in Hampton, NH. Several sources prove the later to be true. Married/ Related to: ![]() Born estimated EST. WFT, 1639-1662 Hampton, Rockingham Co., Nh, died Jul 27, 1664, approximately 2 years [2024wft.FTW] !DEATH-COMMENT: "History of Hampton, NH - 1638 to 1892" by Joseph Dow,Volumes 1 & 2, Property of Herbert Philbrick, Rye, NH. Page 863. Mary was sisters with second wife Sarah Moulton. |
2nd marriage ![]() Married Dec 30, 1674 Hampton, Rockingham Co., Nh (approximately 22 years married) to: ![]() Born Dec 17, 1656 Hampton, Rockingham Co., Nh, died estimated EST. WFT, 1692-1751, approximately 95 years Children: 1. ![]() Born 1677, died estimated EST. WFT, 1678-1771, approximately 94 years [2024wft.FTW] !COMMENT: Mary was captured by the Indians during the French and IndianWars. She was sold to the French in Canada; redeemed; and later returned to New England. 2. ![]() Born May 14, 1680 Newbury, Ma, died Dec 6, 1771 Haverhill, Ma, 91 years [2024wft.FTW] !COMMENT: Thomas was captured by the Indians during the French and IndianWars. Aug. 15 1696, and escaped in ME. Captured again in Feb 1697/8; escaped a second time. See brother Joseph/Jonathan for further explanation. 3. ![]() Born Sep 3, 1684 Newbury, Ma, died estimated EST. WFT, 1735-1776 St-Thomas-de-Mon, Pq, Canada, approximately 92 years [2024wft.FTW] !DEATH-PLACE: Rene Jette "Dictionnarie Genealogique des Familles duQueebec" 1983, University of Montreal, Page He died at St-Thomas-de-Montmagny, PQ, Canada !COMMENT: Roger W. Lawrence's "Indian Captives of New England Taken to Canada". Property of American-Canadian Genealogical Society, Manchester,NH. "Hundreds of New Englanders during the French and Indians Wars were taken prisoners by the Indians and brought to Canada. Some lived with their captors with whom they intermarried. Others were ransomed by Canadian settlers and became free and adopted Canadian citizenship. In the group naturalized May 1710 by royal proclamation were to persons named Joseph HINS. They became the ancestors of many French Canadians. The family name is variously spelled HAYNES, HAINS, HINS, HINCE, HAINCE etc. While reaping his crops, Jonathan HAYNES and his shildren were surprised by the Indians at Haverhill, MA on Aug 15 1696. The children and he were taken prisoners. The father, Jonathan and his son, Thomas, escaped in what is now Maine, and made their way to Saco. The other Children; Mary, Jonathan Jr. and Joseph went to Canada and were ransomed by the French. Mary was redeemed and returned to New England, but Jonathan Jr. and Joseph remained with the French. On 13 Dec. 1741 by a contract at Notary Pierre ROUSSELOT there was an inventory of the property of Joseph HINSE and of Marie PAUZE. On 15 Dec. 1741 by a contract at Notary Pierre ROUSSELOT there was the partition of the property of Joseph HUNSE and Marie PAUZE among their children. On 16 December 1741 by a contract at Notary ROUSSELOT there was the sale of a house and buildings by Joseph HINSE an Marie PAUZE, his wife, to Joseph GENDRON, Augustin and Jean HINSE." It's not clear why both brothers later both adopted the name Joseph, but it is proved that they were both brothers. 4. ![]() Born Jul 4, 1689 Haverhill, Ma, died May 3, 1756 Quebec, Pq, Canada, 66 years 1 _FA1 2 PLAC See Note Page 2 SOUR S029425 3 DATA 4 TEXT Date of Import: Nov 9, 2003 [2024wft.FTW] !COMMENT: He was a carpenter. Also captured by Indians. See notes onbrother Joseph/Jonathan. Had 21 children!!! Facts about this person: Burial May 04, 1756 Quebec, PQ, Canada |