![]() Born ± ABT. 1590 Boulogne, Picardie, (Vendee), France, died estimated EST. WFT, 1622-1681, approximately 91 years Married estimated EST. WFT, 1603-1638 (approximately 43 years married) to: ![]() Born estimated EST. WFT, 1565-1593, died estimated EST. WFT, 1621-1683, approximately 90 years Children: 1. ![]() Born estimated EST. WFT, 1611-1640, died estimated EST. WFT, 1616-1722, approximately 82 years 2. ![]() Born ± ABT. 1604 Boulogne, Picardie, (Vendee), France, died Oct 20, 1663 Chateau-Richer, Pq, Canada, approximately 59 years 1 _FA1 2 PLAC See Note Page 2 SOUR S029425 3 DATA 4 TEXT Date of Import: Nov 9, 2003 [2024wft.FTW] !COMMENT: Arrived in New France with younger brother Eustache. He was killed by the Iroqouis Indians at Chateau-Richer and was buriedthere. Facts about this person: Christening 1604 Boulogne, Picardie, (Vendee), France Burial Abt. 1663 Chateau-Richer, PQ, Canada 3. ![]() Born ± ABT. 1618 Pas de Calais, Boulogne, Picardy, Fr, died Jul 6, 1673 Quebec, Pq, Canada, approximately 55 years 1 _FA1 2 PLAC See Note Page 2 SOUR S029425 3 DATA 4 TEXT Date of Import: Nov 9, 2003 [2024wft.FTW] !COMMENT: Various sources for this information; Rene Jette, "Dictionnaire Genealogique des Familles du Quebec", 1983, University of Montreal; "Les Lambert D'Amerique", conference of 4 October, 1992, speach written by Luc Lambert; "History de la Seigneurie de Lauzon" by Joeph-Edmond Roy, 1897,Page 255. Vol. 1; "Dictionnaire bibliographique du Canada", by J. Monet,Volume 1, 1966 Published in Quebec; "Historique de la Ferme Lambert de St-Nicolas", and excerpt from Terre Illustre, newsletter of L'Association des Lambert d'Amerique Inc, October 1992, Volume 1, numero 2; Also from a speechgiven by Adrien LAmbert, Ex-Deputy of Bellechasse, to the Canadian Parlement at the 350th Anniversary of the arrival of the first two Lamberts to arrive inNew France in 1634; and Midland, Ontario Chamber of Commerce, 208 King St.,P.O. Box 158, Midland, Ontario, Canada, L4R 4K8. He was from the area of Picardy, (now in Vendee), along the EnglishChannel. Married in France to Marie Laurence. Confirmed as being in Quebec onOctober 8, 1659, at 40 years of age. He was a mechant in the city of Quebec. Working for the Jesuites about 1645 and abt 1647 Eustache Lambert had a "dit" name of Champagne. He came over with his brother Pierre, whowas killed by the Iroquois on October 20, 1663 and buried at Chateau-Richer. Eustache came to New France as a "donne" or lay assistant to the Companyof Jesus (Jesuits) and was a faithful companion of Father Gabriel LalemantS.J., today known as Saint Gabriel Lalemant, one of the Canadian holy martyrs. Eustache was born in 1618 in Boulogne in the province of Picardy inFrance, in a place known as Pas de Calais. From 1645 to 1647 he was in thecompany of the Jesuit Fathers on their distant and perilous mission to the West. On thier mission to spread the Good News o Jesus to the different peoples that inhabited the country at that time, the missionaries were supposed to establish posts or missions as places where the people could convenetogether. This is what they did in this distant corner of New France, and gave the mission the name of Sainte-Marie. However, in 1649, facing the menace ofthe Iroquois who had already caused the martydom of some missionaries, theyhad to abandon the settlement of Sainte-Marie and set fire to it to avoid it's desecration. Unfortunatly, Eustache Lambert didn't know how to write, but he was gifted with remarkable intelligence. He very quickly learned the Huron languageand became an excellent interpreter, a skill which proved to be very usefulto the missionaries. He was also skillful with a sword and rifle. In 1653, he was in command of the camp which was organized several years prior to protect the capital (Quebec). He had at his disposal the assault vehicles and five thousandC.F. 18's to enable him to carry out his commission. His courage and hisdedication guided him. In 1653, when the city of Trois-Rivieres was attacked byabout 500 Iroquois, Eustache commanded a detachment of fifty men sent from Quebecto aid in the defense of the city. According to the historian Monsieur Sulte, Eustache Lambert was the first commander of a militia corps in Canada. The first colonizers at that time were given land grants and permitted to become property holders which is how Eustache acquired a tract of land on December 15, 1652 in the territory held by the lord of Lauzon, and the contract was approved by mr. Lauzon-Charny on October 11, 1653. That piece of land comprised eight acres of frontage along the Saint Laurence River and was 40 acres deep. A fishery had been established onthat land earler. The only obligation imposed on the new land owner was that he give back to the lord each year a tecnth of the eels that he caught. In exchange the lord was to furnish the barrels and the salt. Marie was buried in the cemetary that then existed in the cellars of the Cathedral-Bascilica. He was buried in the old (now gone) St-Josephcemetery next to the Cathedral-Bascilica of Quebec. Facts about this person: Burial June 07, 1673 Quebec, PQ, Canada |