![]() Born ± ABT. 1596 Turin, Piedmont, Savoy, Italy, died ± ABT. 1656 Turin, Piedmont, Savoy, Italy, approximately 60 years [2024wft.FTW] !BIRTH-DEATH-COMMENT: Louis Germain Savoy, "Savoy Heritage", p.19, Private Publication, 1983, Columbia Encyclopedia 1935, and Grolier Encyclopedia.Thomas was the Prince of Carignano, Duke of Savoy, 1596 - 1656. Thomas was the2nd and youngest son born to Charles Emmanuel I, Duke of Savoy from 1580 to 1630. Married estimated EST. WFT, 1618-1644 (approximately 12 years married) to: Child: 1. ![]() Born 1621 Turin, Piedmont, Savoy, Italy, died before BEF. 1685, at most 64 years [2024wft.FTW] !BIRTH-MARRIAGE-COMMENT: "Histoire Et Genealogie Des Acadiens", byArsenault, publ. Port Royal, Property of American-Canadian Genealogical Society, Manchester, NH, Vol 2, Page 794. Arrived in Acadia about 1643. It is suspected that he was of Royaldescent. !COMMENT: HOUSE of SAVOY, S*A*D - Society of Acadian Descendants tidbit6-A, "Savoy Heritage" by Louis Germain Savoy, p. 19, Private publ., 1983, also the Columbia Encylcopedia, publ. 1935, and also Grolier Encylcopedia, Prodigy version, 1992, and also Royal research by Michael W. Talbot,Metaire, LA, consisting of computer file on hard disk listing royal ancestors backto the year 960. "Francois SAVOY was born in 1621 at Turin, Piedmont, Savoy, Italy. Hisfather is believed to be Thomas Francis, Prince of Carignano, Duke of Savoy, 1596 -1656, and his mother Marie de Soissons de Bourbon, 1606 - 1692. By virtue of his birth, Francois was also a Prince. Turin, Piedmont, Savoy, Italy, is theseat, and residence, of the family of the House of Savoy. It is also where theShroud of Turin, which belongs to the House of Savoy, is safeguarded. The area is loosely regarded as Savoy. Therefore, an ordinary citizen would be knownas de Savoy, [of/from the area of Savoy], also members of the Savoy family areknown as de Savoy. Thomas Francis was the 2nd, and youngest son born to Charles Emmanuel I, Duke of Savoy from 1580 - 1630. His uncle [his father'sbrother] Victor Amadeus I, became the Duke of Savoy in 1630 and sired two sons whowere both very young when he died in 1637. Francis Hyacinthe I, born in 1632was only 5 years old when his father died, passing the House of Savoy into his hands. His younger brother Charles Emmanuel II was only four when hisfather died in 1637. Becasue both of these sons were so young Francois' father,Thomas Francis, challenged the authority of the mother of the Dukes of Savoy torule in their places, and a war broke out between the two sides of the family.(page 19) Obviously, due to the upheavals of the family, Francois left Turinand the family behind. It was common when a person left their royal family, thatthe person was disownedand stricken from all records pertaining to thatfamily, completely banished. This would account for the for the lack of records pertaining to our Prince Francois de Savoy. Francois left Turin, Italy, traveled over the Alps and headed for France to a section of Vienne, acity of Loudin, to join a group of Norman families on their way to the New World,to settle in the country of Acadia. Francois is reported to be the son ofPrince Thomas Francis of Carigano the 2nd son of Charles Emmanuel I, Duke ofSavoy from 1580 - 1630. Francois arrived at Port Royal, Acadia about 1643. Hemarried in Acadia in 1651 to Catherine LeJeune who was born in 1633 at Port Royal, Acadia, Nova Scotia. Both died sometime before 1685. Francois andCatherine are the parents of nine children, four sons and five daughters, born between1653 and 1669." |