Marie Josephe "Dit LaChance" Pepin, daughter of Joseph "Dit LaChance" Pepin and Marguerite Fontaine. Born Feb 11, 1714/1715 St-Jean, I'le d'Orleans, Pq, Canada, died estimated EST. WFT, 1747-1809, approximately 95 years 1 _FA1 2 PLAC See Note Page 2 SOUR S029425 3 DATA 4 TEXT Date of Import: Nov 9, 2003 [2024wft.FTW] !BIRTH-BAPTISM: Rene Jette, "Dictionnaire Genealogique des Familles duQuebec" 1983 Publ. University of Montreal. Covering years 1608 to 1730. Page 894. Facts about this person: Christening February 11, 1714/15 St-Jean, I'le d'Orleans, PQ, Canada Married Nov 24, 1743 St-Jean, I'le d'Orleans, Pq, Canada (approximately 53 years married) to: Joseph Antoine "Dit LaPointe" Audet, son of Joseph "Dit LaPointe" Audet and Jeanne Pouliot. Born ± ABT. 1704, died estimated EST. WFT, 1748-1796, approximately 92 years [2024wft.FTW] !BIRTH-MARRIAGE: Rene Jette, "Dictionnaire Genealogique des Familles duQuebec" 1983, Publ. University of Montreal. Covering years 1608 to 1730. Page 31. !MARRIAGE: Parish Record Book Collection, Property of American-Canadian Genealogical Society, Manchesterl, NH, Book 45C. Child: 1. Antoine "Dit LaPointe" AudetBorn estimated EST. WFT, 1728-1755, died estimated EST. WFT, 1779-1839, approximately 84 years [2024wft.FTW] !MARRIAGE: Claude Drouin, "Repertoire Alphabetique des Mariages Canadian-Francais de 1760 a 1935", printed in Ottawa, 1989, set of 49Vols. He was married at St. Charles de Bellechase, PQ, Canada. |