Marguerite Guillet, daughter of Pierre "Dit LaJeunes" Guillet and Jeanne De Sainte-Pere. Born Aug 17, 1660 Cap-de-la-Madele, Cte. Champlain, Pq, died estimated EST. WFT, 1683-1754, approximately 94 years 1 _FA1 2 PLAC See Note Page 2 SOUR S029425 3 DATA 4 TEXT Date of Import: Nov 9, 2003 [2024wft.FTW] !BIRTH-PLACE-BAPTISM: Renee Jette, "Dictionnaire Genealogique desFamilles du Quebec" 1983, University of Montreal, Page 543. She was born at Cap-de-la-Madeleine, Cte. Champlain, Pq, Canada. Facts about this person: Christening August 22, 1660 Trois-Rivieres, PQ, Canada Married ± ABT. 1677 Becancour, Pq, Canada (approximately 64 years married) to: Pierre "Dit St-Cyr" Deshayes Born ± ABT. 1650, died estimated EST. WFT, 1682-1741, approximately 91 years [2024wft.FTW] !BIRTH-MARRIAGE-COMMENT-CENSUS: Renee Jette, "Dictionnaire Genealogiquedes Familles du Quebec" 1983, University of Montreal, Page 341. His origin is unknown. He was in Trois-Riviers at the 1666 recording andwas a servant for Etienne LaFond, he was 19 in 1667 at Cap-de-la-Madeleine,and servant for LaFond. In 1681 he was 33 years and living at Becancour,where he made his home, and served as captain of the militia "fieff Dutort" in1726. Children: 1. Augustin DeshaiesBorn estimated EST. WFT, 1674-1716, died estimated EST. WFT, 1741-1801, approximately 85 years [2024wft.FTW] !MARRIAGE: Drouin Reportiore, and Parish Record BookCollection-Becancour, PQ Property of American-Canadian Genealogical Society, Manchester, NH, Book47B. 2. Pierre "Dit St-Cyr" DeshaiesBorn estimated EST. WFT, 1675-1710, died estimated EST. WFT, 1747-1793, approximately 83 years [2024wft.FTW] !BIRTH-MARRIAGE: Rene Jette, "Dictionnaire Genealogique des FamillesQuebec", 1983, page 342. His marriage contract was filed with notary Petit atBecancour on 17 Nov. 1722. !MARRIAGE: For 2nd marriage source information, see source notes on the marriage of son Pierre. 3. Catherine "Dit St Cyr" DeshayesBorn Sep 18, 1678 Cap-de-la-Mad., Pq, Canada, died estimated EST. WFT, 1707-1772, approximately 94 years [2024wft.FTW] !BAPTISM: Rene Jette, "Dictionnaire Genealigique des Familles du Quebec,1983, University of Montreal, Page 342. |