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man Dube, Benjamin X Marie Anne Comtois* ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1823-1855† ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1880-1942
woman Dube, Bernadette* ‎ Feb 22, 1909† ‎ Feb 23, 1933
man Dube, Bernard* ‎ Jan 25, 1953† ‎ Jan 25, 1953
man Dube, Bernard X Marie Charlotte Caron* ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1790-1822† ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1847-1909
man Dube, Bert Edouard* ‎ Oct 1883† ‎ 1960
woman Dube, Blanche Marie X Louis Dube* ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1868-1895† ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1917-1985
man Dube, Blondin* ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1880-1921† ‎ Jan 27, 1997
man Dube, Calixte X Marguerite Aucoin* ‎ 1795† ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1817-1886
woman Dube, Camilla Eleanor* ‎ 1900† ‎ 1900
woman Dube, Candide X Welbrai Dube* ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1857-1898† ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1879-1981
woman Dube, Carmen* ‎ PRIVATE
woman Dube, Caroline* ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1818-1856† ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1828-1937
woman Dube, Catherine X Pierre Poirier* ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1758-1784† ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1806-1873
woman Dube, Catherine X Jean Baptiste Dionne* ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1740-1763† ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1805-1853
woman Dube, Catherine* ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1764-1791† ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1769-1873
woman Dube, Catherine X Joachim Belanger* ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1768-1807† ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1786-1888
woman Dube, Catherine X Basile Lagace Dit Mignier* ‎ Dec 6, 1761† ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1785-1855
woman Dube, Cecilia Louise* ‎ Feb 12, 1904† ‎ 1985
woman Dube, Celeste X Abraham St. Amant* ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1770-1805† ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1827-1892
man Dube, Celestin* ‎ Sep 17, 1821† ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1822-1911
man Dube, Charles* ‎ Oct 27, 1680† ‎ 1681
man Dube, Charles X Madeleine Gagnon* ‎ Nov 16, 1735† ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1776-1826
man Dube, Charles X Georgiana Antaya* ‎ Aug 3, 1849† ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1879-1940
man Dube, Charles 1st X Genevieve Levesque, 2nd X Josette Michaud* ‎ Aug 6, 1770† ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1834-1864
man Dube, Charles* ‎ Feb 1895† ‎ 1918
man Dube, Charles X Theotiste Dionne* ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1751-1773† ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1793-1856
man Dube, Charles X Marcelline Thiboutot* ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1777-1809† ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1834-1896
man Dube, Charles* ‎ Oct 20, 1739† ‎ 1740
man Dube, Charles X Lydia Levesque* ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1869-1901† ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1926-1988
man Dube, Charles* ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1836-1879† ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1854-1958