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woman Gagnon, Angelique X Guillaume Fournier* ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1705-1731† ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1754-1819
woman Gagnon, Anne Cecile X Pierre Giroux* ‎ May 10, 1714† ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1739-1808
woman Gagnon, Apolline X David Jean* ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1859-1886† ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1908-1976
man Gagnon, Arthur Laurent X Alice Menard* ‎ Aug 13, 1907* Central Falls, Rhode Island, USA† ‎ Oct 28, 1978† Pawtucket, Rhode Island, USA
man Gagnon, Augustin X Felicite Simon Lapointe* ‎ Nov 4, 1727† ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1748-1817
man Gagnon, Augustin 1st & Marie Josephe Malboeuf Dit Beausoleil, 2nd & Marguerite Bacon* ‎ PRIVATE
man Gagnon, Augustin* ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1745-1787† ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1761-1864
man Gagnon, Barnabe X Francoise Creste* ‎± ABT. 1531* Gaignonniere, Tourouvre, France† ‎before 28 BEF., Oct† Gaignonniere, Tourouvre, France
man Gagnon, Bonaventure X Marie Francoise Demers* ‎ Aug 11, 1714† ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1745-1805
woman Gagnon, Celina X Joseph Amiot* ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1826-1895† ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1853-1971
man Gagnon, Charles X Clementine Dube* ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1798-1830† ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1855-1917
man Gagnon, Charles Francois X Marie Anne Gosselin* ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1763-1804† ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1802-1886
woman Gagnon, Charlotte X Jean Baptiste Dube* ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1765-1792† ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1814-1882
man Gagnon, Claude X Lucie Menard
man Gagnon, Clement X Theotiste Dube* ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1739-1771† ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1796-1858
woman Gagnon, Clementine X Pierre Philippon Dit Picard* ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1808-1844† ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1842-1929
man Gagnon, Cyprien X Marie Louise Thivierge* ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1814-1859† ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1851-1940
woman Gagnon, Demerise X William Michaud* ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1856-1883† ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1905-1973
man Gagnon, Edouard X Scholastique Plante* ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1772-1817† ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1809-1898
woman Gagnon, Elisabeth X Pierre Dube* ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1767-1794† ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1816-1884
woman Gagnon, Emelie X Sylvestre Yale* ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1798-1839† ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1829-1924
man Gagnon, Emery & Delia Poulin
woman Gagnon, Emilie X Guillaume Audet* ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1802-1843† ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1833-1928
man Gagnon, Etienne* ‎ Sep 19, 1650† ‎ Oct 4, 1650
man Gagnon, Eugene X Ludivine Bedard* ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1855-1900† ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1892-1981
woman Gagnon, Flavie X Ferdinand Dompierre* ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1810-1837† ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1859-1927
man Gagnon, Francois X Genevieve Dube* ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1793-1825† ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1850-1912
man Gagnon, Francois X Marguerite Belanger* ‎ Dec 12, 1675* Quebec, Pq, Canada† ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1717-1766
man Gagnon, Francois X Charlotte Dube* ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1760-1792† ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1817-1879
man Gagnon, Francois X Emelie Breton* ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1776-1817† ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1817-1897