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man Gamache, Nicolas "Dit Lamarre" X Jacqueline Cadot* ‎± ABT. 1615* St-Ilier, Chartres, France† ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1640-1706† Ile de France, France
woman Gamache, Philomene X Jean Baptiste Patenaude* ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1821-1844† ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1864-1933
woman Gamache, Pierrette & Gilles Menard
man Gamache, Raymond & Cindy Brown* ‎ PRIVATE
woman Gamache, Sarah* ‎ PRIVATE
woman Gamelin, Charlotte X Francois Boucher* ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1731-1758† ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1780-1848
woman Gamelin, Marie Rose & Paul Emile Laramee* ‎ PRIVATE
man Gamester, Chad* ‎ PRIVATE
man Gamester, Peter & Carol Lambert* ‎ PRIVATE
man Gamester, Scott* ‎ PRIVATE
man Gamester, Todd* ‎ PRIVATE
man Gandin, Barthelemi X Marthe Cognac* ‎ 1613* La Rochelle, Aunis, France† ‎ 1697† Neuville, Pq, Canada
woman Gandin, Genevieve X Antoine "Dit LaPlante" Boutin* ‎ 1649* Quebec, Pq, Canada† ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1671-1743
man Gandin, Louis X Marie Francois* ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1562-1591† ‎before BEF. 1634† France
woman Gannon, Mary X Francois Octave Guerard* ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1880-1907† ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1932-1995
woman Garant, Julie X Louis Gauvin* ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1803-1830† ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1852-1920
man Garceau, Alexandre* ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1813-1856† ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1831-1935
man Garceau, Delphis* ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1813-1856† ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1831-1935
man Garceau, Eugene* ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1813-1856† ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1831-1935
woman Garceau, Genevieve* ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1813-1856† ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1830-1938
man Garceau, Jean X Marie Gerin Dit Lajoie* ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1744-1789† ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1781-1870
man Garceau, Joachim* ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1813-1856† ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1831-1935
man Garceau, Joachim Edouard X Rose Aure Laferriere Dit Guerard* ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1781-1813† ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1838-1900
man Garceau, Joseph* ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1813-1856† ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1831-1935
woman Garceau, Luce X Pime Coutu* ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1816-1843† ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1865-1933
woman Garceau, Lucie* ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1813-1856† ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1830-1938
woman Garceau, Marguerite* ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1813-1856† ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1830-1938
man Garceau, Pierre* ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1813-1856† ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1831-1935
woman Garden, Anne X Copeland Stiles* ‎ Sep 24, 1729† ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1763-1824
man Garden, Benjamin X Elizabeth H. Bremer* ‎ Dec 23, 1736† ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1765-1827