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man Gingras, Pierre Jacques X Anne Angelique Hamel* ‎ Jun 12, 1682* Riviere-aux-Roch, Pq† ‎ Apr 20, 1754
man Gingras, Ulric X Marie Gingras* ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1836-1881† ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1873-1962
man Gionet, Vital X Liza Marie Gauvin* ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1864-1892† ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1914-1979
woman Gipoulou, Charlotte X Basile Clement* ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1721-1754† ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1756-1839
man Girard, Amable X Josephte Daunais* ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1755-1787† ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1812-1874
man Girard, Andre & Juliette Michaud* ‎ PRIVATE
woman Girard, Angelique X Alexis Charland* ‎ Mar 19, 1748/1749† ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1778-1843
man Girard, Antoine X Agnes Trottier* ‎ Feb 24, 1663/1664† ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1701-1755
woman Girard, Charlotte X Charles Couture* ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1699-1722† ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1744-1810
woman Girard, Desneiges X Real Garneau* ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1860-1901† ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1891-1986
woman Girard, Diane & Conrad Archambault
man Girard, Francois X Marie Menard* ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1641-1671† ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1696-1757
man Girard, Germain "Dit Le Jeune" X Marie Doucet* ‎± ABT. 1691* Port Royal, Acadia† ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1736-1783
woman Girard, Hermine X Cyrille Lussier* ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1820-1843† ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1865-1931
man Girard, Jacques X Marie Nicolle* ‎± ABT. 1650† ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1688-1741
man Girard, Jacques X Francoise Gaudet* ‎ 1733* Port Royal, Acadia† ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1766-1824
man Girard, Jacques Prisque X Marie Clothilde Brisson* ‎ Jan 5, 1697/1698† ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1730-1789
man Girard, Joachim X Marie Halay* ‎between 1637 BET., - and † ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1667-1728
man Girard, Joseph X Marguerite Dumais* ‎± ABT. 1761* Acadia† ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1793-1852
man Girard, Joseph X Malvina Roberge* ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1831-1878† ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1857-1956
woman Girard, Maika & Daniel Guerard* ‎ PRIVATE
woman Girard, Marie Anne "Renee" X Gabriel Flibot* ‎ Nov 28, 1712* L'Ancienne-Loret, Pq, Canada† ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1735-1806
woman Girard, Marie Josephe X Jean Baptiste Daunais* ‎ Mar 15, 1726/1727† ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1756-1821
woman Girard, Marie Josephte X Joseph Michel Dit Laramee* ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1748-1803† ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1803-1886
woman Girard, Marie Therese* ‎ Sep 21, 1692† ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1693-1786
man Girard, Michel X Francoise Anceaume* ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1575-1617† ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1600-1698
man Girard, Narcisse X Angelique Laramee* ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1839-1871† ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1896-1958
man Girard, Pierre X Therese Tetreault Dit Ducharme* ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1678-1704† ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1728-1792
man Girard, Rene "Dit Brindamour" X Marie Josephe Poitras* ‎± ABT. 1685* St-Maixent-de-Be, Niorte, Poitiers† ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1717-1776
woman Girard, Renee X Pierre Veillon* ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1573-1693† ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1716-1782