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woman Grenon, Marguerite* ‎ Oct 20, 1681* Neuville, Pq, Canada† ‎ May 19, 1709† St-Nicolas, Levis, Pq, Canada
woman Grenon, Marie* ‎ May 25, 1679* Neuville, Pq, Canada† ‎ Apr 24, 1712† Tilly, Quebec, Canada
woman Grenon, Marie Agnes* ‎ Jan 21, 1683/1684* Neuville, Pq, Canada† ‎ May 12, 1719† St-Nicolas, Levis, Pq, Canada
woman Grenon, Marie Anne X Louis Rognon* ‎ Oct 9, 1686* Neuville, Pq, Canada† ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1713-1780
woman Grenon, Marie Catherine X Joseph Boucher* ‎ Jun 27, 1724* Tilly, Qp† ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1753-1818
man Grenon, Pierre X Marie Soseaux* ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1597-1626† ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1651-1711
man Grenon, Pierre X Marie Lavoie* ‎± ABT. 1648* Marsais, Rochefort, Le Rochelle, Fr† ‎± ABT. 1712† Neuville, Pq, Canada
woman Greslon, Jeanne X Pierre Dassylva Dit Portugais* ‎ 1663† ‎ Jun 8, 1731
woman Griault, Marguerite Lariviere Dit X Georges Laurent Dit Lasonde* ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1706-1746† ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1738-1829
woman Griffith, Alice X Humphrey Hughes* ‎ Apr 15, 1805* Betws Garmon, C, n. Wales† ‎ Mar 15, 1870† Cambria, Columbia, Wi
man Griffith, Ellis X Margaret* ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1754-1783† ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1808-1868
man Grignon, Augustin X Menoimee Indian Woman* ‎ Jun 27, 1780† ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1809-1871
man Grignon, Augustin X Nomahkukiew Beaver Lady* ‎ 1805† ‎ Jul 6, 1871
man Grignon, Jerome* ‎ Feb 1836† ‎ Jun 16, 1914
man Grignon, Pierre X Louise Domitille De Langlade* ‎ Nov 16, 1740† ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1783-1832
woman Grimoult, Marie X Louis Sedilot* ‎± ABT. 1610* Gif-sur-Yvette, Palaiseau, Paris, France† ‎before 25 BEF., Jan† St-Jean, I'le d'Orleans, Pq, Canada
woman Grinon, Jacquette X Pierre Lavoie* ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1615-1638† ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1660-1726
man Grisdale, William X Josephine Giroux* ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1847-1879† ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1904-1966
man Grise, Alexandre X Marguerite Demors* ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1795-1840† ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1832-1921
man Grise, Antoine X Francoise Poyer* ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1684-1729† ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1721-1810
man Grise, Antoine Villefranche Dit X Catherine Fissiau Dit Laramee* ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1759-1786† ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1810-1873
man Grise, Joseph X Josephte Fissiau Dit Laramee* ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1758-1790† ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1815-1877
man Grise, Joseph X Josephte Menard* ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1721-1753† ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1778-1840
man Grise, Leon X Louise Guerard* ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1832-1864† ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1889-1951
man Groigne, Nicolas X Anne Chretien* ‎ 1665† ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1693-1756
woman Groleau, Marguerite 1st X Jean Baptiste Aubin, 2nd X Jean Baptiste Lambert Dit Aubin* ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1754-1796† ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1801-1879
woman Grondin, Catherine 1st X Jean Baptiste Lizotte, 2nd X Joseph Marie Pauze* ‎ 1715† ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1756-1810
man Grondin, Charles Francois* ‎ 1720† ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1721-1810
woman Grondin, Dolores X Paul Henri Drolet* ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1872-1909† ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1904-1994
woman Grondin, Genevieve X Pierre Dube* ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1765-1792† ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1814-1882