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woman Guerard, Clara Adele X Don Ward* ‎ Nov 10, 1902† ‎ Apr 19, 1961
woman Guerard, Clara Mae & D'Arcy McCart* ‎ PRIVATE
man Guerard, Claude & Francine Legault* ‎ PRIVATE
man Guerard, Claude* ‎ May 20, 1716* St. Francois, Ile D'Orleans, Montreal, Quebec, Canada† ‎ Apr 28, 1718† St. Francois, Ile D'Orleans, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
man Guerard, Claude & Madeleine Francoeur* ‎ PRIVATE
woman Guerard, Claudette & Gilles Consigny* ‎ PRIVATE
woman Guerard, Claudia & Unknown Noftall* ‎ PRIVATE
man Guerard, Clement & Madeleine Drolet* ‎ PRIVATE
man Guerard, Cleophas X Mary Servais* ‎ Sep 3, 1862† ‎ Sep 27, 1948
woman Guerard, Clifford Allen* ‎ Nov 18, 1907† ‎ Jun 22, 1909
woman Guerard, Clothilde X Michel Ouellette* ‎ 1826† ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1851-1920
woman Guerard, Colette & Michel L'Ecuyer* ‎ PRIVATE
woman Guerard, Colette & Jules Gosselin* ‎ PRIVATE
woman Guerard, Colette X Joseph Poulin* ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1785-1808† ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1829-1896
woman Guerard, Colombe & Joseph Olivier Picard* ‎ PRIVATE
woman Guerard, Corilda 1st X Arthur Maranda, 2nd X Louis Philippe Hardy* ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1851-1880† ‎before 26 BEF., Nov
man Guerard, Cyrille X Esther Duchesne* ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1818-1842† ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1862-1925
man Guerard, Cyrille & Annette Rozon* ‎ PRIVATE
man Guerard, Cyrille 1st X Laura Drouin, 2nd X Marie Guyon Dit Dion* ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1851-1888† ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1925-1974
man Guerard, Daniel & Maika Girard* ‎ PRIVATE
man Guerard, Daniel & Renelde Lafrance* ‎ PRIVATE
man Guerard, Daniel X Alexandrine Pare* ‎ Feb 20, 1880† ‎ Oct 23, 1956
man Guerard, Daniel & Francine Genest* ‎ PRIVATE
woman Guerard, Danielle & Lucien Serge Marcel Coutu* ‎ PRIVATE
woman Guerard, Danielle* ‎ PRIVATE
woman Guerard, Danielle & Serge Bouthillette* ‎ PRIVATE
man Guerard, Darren* ‎ PRIVATE
man Guerard, David* ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1685-1714† ‎estimated EST. WFT, 1697-1797
man Guerard, David 1st X Judith St. Julien, 2nd X Martha Barnwell* ‎ 1741† ‎ Jan 13, 1787
man Guerard, David* ‎ PRIVATE