Steve D'AMICO was born Private. He married Joan GUERARD.
Joan GUERARD [Parents] was born Private. She married Steve D'AMICO.
Other marriages:LIVESEY, Tom
They had the following children:
F i Lisa D'AMICO was born Private.
Gordon PINNER was born Private. He married Judith Mae ELLARD.
Judith Mae ELLARD [Parents] was born Private. She married Gordon PINNER.
They had the following children:
M i David Gordon PINNER was born Private. F ii Janice Elizabeth PINNER was born Private.
Robert George ELLARD [Parents] was born Private. He married Barbara HAVER.
Barbara HAVER was born Private. She married Robert George ELLARD.
They had the following children:
M i Benjamin Haver ELLARD was born Private. F ii Jessica Brie ELLARD was born Private.
Donald Walter ELLARD [Parents] was born Private. He married Kathleen MCCHRISTIE.
Kathleen MCCHRISTIE was born Private. She married Donald Walter ELLARD.
They had the following children:
F i Adrienne Marie ELLARD was born Private. M ii James Robert George ELLARD was born Private. F iii Jacqueline Frances ELLARD was born Private. F iv Kimberley Dawn ELLARD was born Private.
Larry LAUNDERVILLE was born Private. He married Donna Joy GUERARD.
Donna Joy GUERARD [Parents] was born Private. She married Larry LAUNDERVILLE.
They had the following children:
M i Ted Lawrence LAUNDERVILLE was born Private. F ii Michelle Alice LAUNDERVILLE was born Private.
Rodric GUERARD [Parents] was born Private. He married Dawn STEVENS.
Dawn STEVENS was born Private. She married Rodric GUERARD.
They had the following children:
M i Andrew Edmund GUERARD was born Private.
Dennis BLOMQUIST was born Private. He married Nancy Anne GUERARD.
Nancy Anne GUERARD [Parents] was born Private. She married Dennis BLOMQUIST.
They had the following children:
M i Krystopher Blair BLOMQUIST was born Private. F ii Kylie Joy BLOMQUIST was born Private.
Gary KINVIG was born Private. He married Linda CLARK.
Linda CLARK [Parents] was born Private. She married Gary KINVIG.
They had the following children:
M i Keith KINVIG was born Private. M ii Kenneth KINVIG was born Private.
Arthur ANSAGAR was born Private. He married Katherine CLARK.
Katherine CLARK [Parents] was born Private. She married Arthur ANSAGAR.
They had the following children:
M i Desmond ANSAGAR was born Private. M ii Earon ANSAGAR was born Private.
Donald CLARK [Parents] was born Private. He married Ruth PATTERSON.
Ruth PATTERSON was born Private. She married Donald CLARK.
They had the following children:
F i Candace CLARK was born Private. M ii Curtis CLARK was born Private.