Humphrey Jones was a Mason. He wrote poetry. He liked to sing. Hediedof mouth/throat canc er in Gull Lake, Saskatchewan, Canada at the ageof75.
Sarah Hurley suffered from a stroke in her latter years and wasconfinedat home in bed or a w heelchair. She died in Creston, BC, Canadaat theage of 85.
Born: Probably at David's Field, Llangefni, Anglesey.
Married: At Rock Hill, Wisconsin - Near Dalton, Green Lake County.The following is a copy of an article written by Mary KatherineLowryFrench:
"Richard Jones came to the United States with his father andmother,Richard and Elizabeth Jo nes, from a farm called Cae Dafydd,(David'sField), in Anglessey, North Wales in 1831. Richa rd was about 14yearsold, his father was about 52 years old, and his mother Elizabeth,about4 6 at the time.
I wonder about the circumstances that would motivate someone at the ageof52 to migrate t a n ew country and start life here again? They settledona farm near Remsen, in Oneida County, N ew York. While in New YorkState,Richard Jones' father had decided to put a G. in his name t odistinguishbetween father and sone, so he became Richard G. Jones. Theylived thereabout 1 7 years and then in 1847 there was a flamboyant realestatecampaign in that area of New Yor k promoting settlement inWisconsin.Gold Nuggets as big as hen's eggs could be picked out o f thestreams inWisconsin.
I cna't say the Jones' were influenced by this advertising, buttheyarrived in 1847 in the vi cinity of Kingston and Rock Hill, inMargetteand Green Lake Counties. Though the Jones Famil y is not knownto havefound gold nuggets, they did find a Welsh Community alreadyestalished, with rich fertile land, much different than the rocky soilnear Remsen,New York.
Richard G. Jones homesteaded land in Wisconsin. On October 29, 1857at1:30 pm with Richar d G Jones the Grantee, and the UnitedStatesGovernment the Grantor, a duplicate deed for Home steading, Sept.26,1848, was issued for 40 acres, deed number 13634, from theReciever'sOffic e of Green Bay, Wisconsin. It was "received from RichardG. Jones,the some of $50.00 paid i n full for SE 1/4 of the SE 1/4 ofSection 33,Township 14, Range 11.
The government had begun a scorched eatrth policy to force the Indianstomove to a reservatio n in the Dakotas. Althought the Jones', RichardG.and Elizabeth, had been warned to leave, t hey stayed on their landhpoingto prevent the soldiers from starting fires in their area. Elizabethlater died of the after effects of breathing the smoke of thepriairiefire. Richard G . Jones and his wife Elizabth died in RockHill,Wisconsin area. Elizabeth died March 29, 185 4 and Richard diedJanuary4, 1860. They are buried in Capel Bach Cymraeg Cemetery at RockHi llnear Dalton, Wisconsin.
Richard Jones, son of Richard G. and Elizabeth had not been in theRockHill area long when h e and Ann Hughes, with her mother, Alice, andherfaather, Humphrey Hughes, had come from Betw y Garmon Parish,inCaernarfon, NNorth Wales, by sailing vessel.
The traveled down the St. Lawrence River and Great Lakes to a portinWisconsin in 1846. An n was 16 years old when she came to theUnitedStates, her mother was 41 years old and her fat her 52 years old.
Since there were many Jones families, Richard and Ann gave theirchildrenthe middle name of ' Hughes' to distinguish them from the otherJonesfamilies.
Richard and Ann lived on a farm south of the Foreston Cementry, namedPenLlyn. After churc h on Sunday they would invite their friends todinner,never knowing for sure how many peopl e would be attending.
My mother, Katherine Lowry, told a visiting her grandparents, RichardandAnn Jones, when sh e was a young girl. They always went to churchonSunday and the sermon was in Welsh. She ha d to sit very still whileinchurch so she entertained herself by listening for a few words o fWelchshe recogneized.
Richard died January 15, 1901, and Ann died May 27, 1903 and bothareburied at the Foreston C emetary." By Mary Katherine Lowry French
The following is an additional article written at the time ofRichardJones' death, supplied b y Mary Katherine Lowry French:
"Richard Jones. In the community of Foreston, Iowa, January 15,1901,Richard Jones, died a t the age of 83. Our brother was born on afarm bthe name Cae Dafydd, in Anglesey, North Wal es, in the year 1817.
In 1831 he came with his parents to this country. The family livedforabout 15 years inb th e community of Remsen, NY, and in 1846 theymoved toRock Hill, Wisconsin.
In July 1848, Mr. Jones was united in marriage to Miss Ann Hughes fromthevicinity, who remai ns to mourn his departure. In 1871 the familymovedto the community of Foreston, Iowa. Seve n children were born tothem, ofwhich six still survive, four brothers and two sisters, and a llof themlive in these communites, "cylchoedd), means the surrounding.
On Saturday, January 19, a larbge crowd gathered for the funeral, whenhisremains were laid t o rest in the Fareston cemetary. The reverentD.R.Morris and R. Vaughan Griffith officiate d on the occasionm, andthewriter delivered a sermon on Psalm 90:12.
In accordance with the wihes of the family the service was held intheEnglish language. A nu mber of appropriate songs were sung undertheleadership of Mr. R.S. Parry,, the music teacher . Although theservicewas deferred for a time, Mrs. Jones failed to be present in thechapel because of ill-health. The weakness of old age was mainlyresponsiblefor the death of our br other. He was isll for a long period,and attimes he was in much suffering.
Mr. Jones was sucessful in his worldly circumstances. He left muchofthis world's good thing s after him. It is also said that he wasalwayskind to his friends, and honest and honorabl e in his businessdealings.And when a Cymanfa or some other big m,eeting was held in thecomm unity,Penllyn's door was open to receive and welcome strangers.
Much sympathy is felt towards Mrs. Jones in her illness andloneliness.May she be given stren th to cast all her care on God for hecares forher. 1Peter 5:7."
This eulogy Richard HJones was translated from Welsh to English July19,1992 by Phil G. Davi es, Ames, Iowa.
NOTE: Note the middle initial H. in most of their children's names.Itis daid that all th e children had Hughes as a middle name todistinguishthis "Jones" family. This note was incl uded on the familyresearchrecord compiled by Mary Kathrine Lowry French.
John died as an infant